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My Testimony

Updated: Jul 19, 2021


I was born in Communist Eastern Europe. At the age of eleven my family moved to Southern Africa. The reason for that move was better employment opportunity for my parents. As a child growing up I did not know of God nor did I have access to much conversation about God. I did know of the existence of churches and other religious institutions, but nothing beyond that. I went to an international school and there I met children that went to church but I still had no interest in knowing God nor even hearing about God. Being raised up in a communist country there was no open talk of God, thus publicly in my hearing I never heard of Christianity. At the time my family was atheist and this was my reality too.

When I came of age to go to University, through various events that God orchestrated, I ended up going to an university in the USA. It was there that I became exposed to the Christian faith in a more public way. I ended up rooming with an African friend that had a strong belief in God. Weekly my room mate attended church, bible studies and prayer meetings, but she never pushed her Christian faith on me. I remember asking my room mate what 'G-O-D' meant as I had absolutely no concept of God.

At times my friend told me she prayed for me - which used to infuriate me. I had no desire to further enquire of her faith but rather became more antagonistic towards it. I was very much in opposition to Christianity. Even after I was invited to study for exams in the quiet space of a local Christian campus ministry and there met the kind campus director, I still strongly resisted the Christian faith. I remember attending a couple of the campus ministry's Bible studies. My attendance was motivated by my desire to make those in attendance understand the 'error' of their belief and that faith in God was irrational and unsubstantiated.

All that changed one night in early Spring of 1993, just prior to Easter. In my sleep I experienced a night vision. I openly and clearly saw the cross of Jesus and Jesus hanging on that cross. As I beheld Jesus on the cross, I instantaneously knew that Jesus was the Son of God and that He died for me. I woke up from that vision stirred up and in faith. I ran to wake up my room mate and tell her that Jesus is truly the Son of God. I excitedly shook her awake and told her that Jesus indeed is Lord. My friend looked at me puzzled and said "I know!" and rolled over and fell back to sleep.

I barely could sleep that night from the thrill and joy of the experience. As morning came I rushed out to the local campus ministry and shared with the campus director my night's vision and that I now believed that Jesus is the Son of God. I will never forget the shock on her face which turned into great joy!!!! It was a most glorious moment.

I went to bed as a heathen one night and woke up as a born again child of God. A pure work of God's loving grace. Glory be to God!

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